Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme to assist SMME’s…

13 Dec by LoansForBusiness12132

Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme to assist SMME’s…

The Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme is an incentive offered by the Department of Trade and Industry which seeks to do the following:

Partially compensate exporters for costs incurred in respect of:
• Develop export markets for SA Products and Services;
• Recruit Foreign Direct Investment into South Africa
• Identify new export markets through market research

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Qualifying Entities
• Registered South African Manufacturers and service companies
• South African export trading houses or commission agents
• South African Export Councils, Industry Associations and Joint Action Groups
• South African registered co-operatives, which export agricultural and other arts and craft products.

Export Readiness
• Type of products/services for export and local sales performance
• Industry in which the venture operates
• Submission of general and specific qualifying documentation and adherence to general and specific criteria

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The Scheme Offering:

Group Participation

  • National Pavilions
  • Outward Investment and Selling Missions
  • Inward Buying and Investment Missions


Individual Participation

  • Individual Exhibitions
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Primary Market Research
  • Individual Inward Missions


Funded Manufacturing and Service Sectors
• Aerospace, Rail and Marine
• Agro-Processing, including Furniture
• Built Environment Professions ( Consulting, Civil, Architecture and Quantity
• Plastics, pharmaceuticals and chemicals (e.g perfumes)
• Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) information technology
• Capital Equipment and Allied services
• Automotive
• Clothing, textiles, footwear and leather products
• Creative industries ( Film and television, music and crafts)

• Electro-technical industries ( electronics, electrical engineering)
• Energy –efficient products
• Metals fabrication
• Forestry, paper,pulp and furniture
• All IPAP Sectors such as green economy

Going forward, Business Grants and Dream Team Capital can play an even more important role in the co-ordination, integration and reporting on the consolidated performance of the various fragmented energy efficiency initiatives in the country. Contact us today for professional assistance in streamlining your application for the Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme.