Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme initiative

11 Dec by LoansForBusiness12132

Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme initiative

The Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme is an incentive programme available to South African registered entities engaged in primary, secondary and ancillary aquaculture activities. This is for both marine and freshwater (fish hatcheries and fish farms) and production, processing and preserving of aquaculture fish. The grant is provided directly to approved applications for new, upgrading or expansion projects.

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The programme offers a reimbursable cost-sharing grant of up to a maximum of R40 million qualifying costs in machinery and equipment, bulk infrastructure, owned land and/or buildings, leasehold improvements, and competitiveness improvement activities.


Primary aquaculture enterprises eligible for the Programme funding include brood stock operations; seed production operations; juvenile (spat, fry, fingerling) operations, including hatchery and nursery facilities; and on-going operations, including, but not limited to, rafts, net closures, net pens, cages, tank raceways, and ponds.

Secondary aquaculture enterprises eligible for the Programme funding include primary processing (post-harvest handling, eviscerating, packing, and quick freezing); secondary processing (filleting, portioning, and packaging); tertiary processing (curing, brining, smoking, and adding further value (terrines, roulades, pates, and paters)); and waste stream handling (extraction of fish oils, protein beneficiation, organic fertilisers, pet feeds, and animal feeds).


Ancillary aquaculture enterprises eligible for the Programme funding include aquaculture feed manufacturing operations; research and development projects related to aquaculture; and privately-owned aquaculture veterinary services (farm inspections, disease surveillance and control, histopathological analysis, etc. specifically for the aquaculture industry).


Should you be interested in applying for the business grant, Dream Team Capital can assist you. Contact us today for professional assistance in streamlining your application for the Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme incentive.

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